The Three Different Types Of Solar Inverter
Time:[2019-12-18] Views:1439
1. What is an on-grid inverter or grid-tied inverter?
An on-grid solar photovoltaic system refers to a system, which is only connected to a utility grid. When solar energy is available, the system will sell the energy which generated by the sun bake to the utility grid.
2. What is an off-grid inverter?
A syand alone photovoltaic system refers to a system, which is not connected to the utility grid. The electricty you consume comes solely from energy generated via PV arrays. There types of systems store the surplus of energy in batteries.
3. What is an hybrid inverter?
A hybrid solar photovoltaic system is a combination
of solar & grid power technology to take the Advantage.
If the energy produced via PV arrays is enough
for household consumption, the inverter will use PV energy and charge the surplus
to the batteries.
In absence of sun, the inverter will, depending
on energy consumption, use energy solely from batteries or take energy from the
utility grid.